Поддержать проект
Мы рассказываем о животных, которые живут свободной жизнью, никогда не видели агрессии людей, доверяют нам и не считают убийцами. Мы не можем обмануть их доверие и хотим показать всем, что зверь на воле красивее зверя в клетке.
Присоединяйтесь к проекту, чтобы вместе сделать нечто большее, чем просто кино.
If you just want to be involved in making a film, you can donate any amount that is comfortable for you. Thank you from the whole team and from the foxes!
Director and cameraman Dmitry Shpilenok will shoot a personal video message for you from the expedition thanking you for supporting the project.
We will thank you for your help in creating the film in the credits
Your name will be indicated among the sponsors of the production of the film in the credits. You will receive a closed link to watch the film before its release on online platforms and television.
The logo of your company will be placed on all printed materials for the film, in the credits of the film at screenings at Russian and international film festivals, in cinemas, television channels, on Internet platforms in Russia and abroad. You will receive a closed link to watch the film before its release on online platforms and television.